I was born and lived in the interior of Bahia until I was 25 years old, until I moved to São Paulo, where I currently live. Since the age of 10 I have been a passionate about heavy metal especially and it was after meeting the album Angels cry of the Brazilian band Angra, at the age of 13, that I began to admire disc covers.
Cursei Graphic design at the Cruzeiro do Sul University in São Paulo where I developed even more my knowledge and technique for creating art, I specialized in retouching design to create my works.
Vocalist in my spare time, I know exactly the styles derived from Rock / Heavy Metal and I have the ability to understand the essence of the songs of the bands for which I do the works.
I personally believe that the art of album cover will still have a long life, not only for its informative character in helping to differentiate one work from the other, but also for its conceptual character by encapsulating a whole work in just one image.